Heroic Journey and The Dark Tower
The Dark Tower is a Stephen King novel that has always caught my interest. I saw the movie starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba. It was definitely an interesting twist reading the one of the books afterwards. It didn't come to a surprise to me that a writer like him had his work "adjusted" for family and community audiences. Still I don't think I could have been prepared enough for I read. It's really interesting how in this hero's journey there is no distinct identity of time. No past, present or future, just a very damaged and diseased apocalyptic landscape. Another thing that really caught my interest was Roland. I got the feeling he was a kind of anti-hero from the film but they put him in a lens where audiences would still love him, but in the novel his conquest to hunt the Man in Black puts him in varying situations where his morals seem very demented. In order to hunt down one being he kills and sacrifices so many.
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